Double Amputee Purple Heart Veteran Gets New Smart Home Through Tunnel to Towers Foundation


Hartville, Ohio – Christmas came early for a Canton family. Sgt. Joshua Stahl and his family were presented with a new home on Friday, complete with furnishings.

Sgt. Stahl served his country in Afghanistan. In 2011, while on a mission there, he accidentally stepped on an IED. We were looking for IEDs and I stepped on a mine and it blew my legs off.

Life has not been easy for Stahl or his family since the accident. Thanks to an organization called Tunnel to Towers, that has all changed.

We're building these homes all across the country for the most catastrophically injured servicemen. This will be the 56th home that we've either handed the keys over or started at this point. Our ultimate goal is to build at least 200 of these homes across this country, said John Hodge with Tunnels to Towers.

The home is specially designed to make life easier. It is beautifully furnished, thanks to Ashley Furniture, who donated $38,000 worth of furniture.

Sgt. Stahl is extremely grateful for everything that has been done for him and his family.

Source: Fox 8 Cleveland Opens in a new window